Cost of living - Making more money
The economic landscape is changing around us very quickly.
Standing still is not an option.
Gain some insight on how to deal with what's coming in the next few years and how to make sure you are on the winners list! The only way to escape inflation is to be above it, this can only be done by setting your own prices and having your own jobs. To grow a real business, look at joining the KBB Academy Here.
Key Takeaways From This Video:
- The purpose of the presentation is to help KBB installers and business owners understand the impact of inflation and how to make more money in the coming years
- The digital world is rapidly changing, and it is important to adapt and position oneself properly in order to succeed
- While the economy may improve, it is crucial to not rely on other businesses for success
- It is recommended to take control of one's business and pricing, as well as gain independence
- Options for the future include standing still (which actually means going backwards), adapting, or growing
- Adapting involves being visible in the digital space, making money on products, being efficient, and building an excellent reputation
- Growth is a way to combat inflation and increase margins, as consumers are looking for better service and smaller, more competitive installers
- The barriers for entry into the industry are low for KBB trade partners who have access to services and support from KBB Supply Services
- Help and resources are available through the KBB University, trade partner program and KBB Academy